Hello and welcome in our space game Planets Matching - Astronomy.Hello and welcome in our space games Planets Matching - Astronomy.In this Astronaut g
Hello and welcome in our space game Planets Matching - Astronomy.
Hello and welcome in our space games Planets Matching - Astronomy.
In this Astronaut game you will have a nice travel in space without rocket or spacecraft for space explorer the all planets and astronomical events and galaxy constellation and moon trajectory and planetary aspects, by matching the cartes and try to find the same planets (Sun. Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars / marte. Jupiter. Saturne. uranus. neptune. pluto. moon and stars).
All this names in the cartes for helping children and all people who dont know the names of Planets of our galaxy and our solar system.
All what you have to do is trying to have the same couples for win the game and go to next level with more difficulty.
After all this features this cool game it's improving the brain and boost memory and good test for brain and training brain.
So just installing it now and start fun in space with your family . friends and all people around you.
*********************************ThAnK yOu***************************